Terry & Rhonda Hunt

The annual charity car party all started back in 1992, our initial intent was to have a car party with our close friends and their street rods.  We then decided to collect nonperishable food and donations for turkeys to feed families in need for Thanksgiving.  That year we fed 3 families for Thanksgiving. Little did we know those good friends with their street rods would grow into 100's of attendees and would become the biggest and best car party of the year!

 The first Sunday of November is a day we look forward to.  It's a lot of work getting ready for and even more work after it is all over, but after the car party family and close friends help sort and bag the food, then we use the money you all donated to order all the turkey’s from Publix who also houses all the Turkeys for us till it’s time to send them out to the families. The best part about all of this is hearing the stories of how all of us are helping so many families in need in our area.  This right here is enough of an reward for all the work that goes into getting these meals out to those families who need it the most.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for giving from the heart.. All the canned goods and money donated for the turkey's helped us feed more than 600 families per year!